Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hush hush

Why is this blog so quiet you might ask?

Well one, I'm currently busy. Busy with school. The people are great but everything else is a bitch. Just can't wait to wear the gown and cool square hat, and throw it in the air! ( like in the TV ads)

Second, I'm just lazy. This seems like the more probable answer right? Lol

Hari Raya is next week and I'm looking forward to it. Take sometime off to meet close family and friends.

It's been hectic for me, school everyday and assignment after assignments. While on off days, I'll be working. I really look forward to the weekends. I haven got time for gym! Biceps shrinking :(

I think I'll sign up for SIM rugby soon. Hope I got the time.

Till then.