Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Hush hush

Why is this blog so quiet you might ask?

Well one, I'm currently busy. Busy with school. The people are great but everything else is a bitch. Just can't wait to wear the gown and cool square hat, and throw it in the air! ( like in the TV ads)

Second, I'm just lazy. This seems like the more probable answer right? Lol

Hari Raya is next week and I'm looking forward to it. Take sometime off to meet close family and friends.

It's been hectic for me, school everyday and assignment after assignments. While on off days, I'll be working. I really look forward to the weekends. I haven got time for gym! Biceps shrinking :(

I think I'll sign up for SIM rugby soon. Hope I got the time.

Till then.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Slip of the mind

Wah! I totally forgot that this blog exists.

Anyways, I have been enjoying life a little too much lately.

Tokyo trip, AWESOME! Love Love Love! Everything there was great. Food, weather, fashion but most of all the People. Very very nice people! You have to experience it to believe it.

Will definitely make a trip back there one day. For sure!

Another hand, I passed my bridging course. Which means, I'm able to continue to the main program. I'm officially a University of Birmingham Freshman. Lol! Back to more mugging for 2 years.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Hoho exams over about a week ago. Shall not comment until results are out LOL.

TOKYO coming baby! Thursday! 2 days to go! And I'm still not packed! So lazy la~

Really haven't planned anything. Itinerary for the days there. What to expect? I don't know!

Got rough ideas but not sure if feasible?

Oh well, it's time for GUNG HO!

Monday, May 31, 2010



Studying sucks. This is only 3 modules so far. Wonder how I'm going to cope with more modules in the main program - if I pass, all cramped within 2 years. @$%$#^$%&%

Haiz. I need to pull my sock all the way up to my head. No more procrastinating, no more slacking.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


What a relief. It's OVER!! No need to work with an idiot any longer - and so I hope.

On a lighter note, accommodations in Japan will be settled soon. Just need confirmation and payments and TOKYO HERE WE COME!! WHEE~!

Last day of class tomorrow before the 2 weeks exam break.
Need to chiong revision because I've already received 2 rejection letters from 'you-know-where'.

Haha.. So it all starts again.


Friday, May 14, 2010



Never in my entire life have I encountered someone like this before. NEVER! It makes my blood boil just thinking about it. Maybe my short-temper tantrum is returning after been missing for many years. I swear I was this close to landing my fist onto the face. I just wish for things to be done and over with quickly.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Time really flies. It's already May in 2010. So far 2010 has been kind to me - though I hope it can be kinder. More things to look out for in 2010.

And it's CONFIRMED! Going to the home of Sumo, Shushi, Doraemon and Ultraman!



Super excited!

June 24th to 29th.

Major hurdle before that. EXAMS. Really wish I can do well and not to worry about in while I'm there.


Monday, April 26, 2010


Ah finally completed about 95% of my Econs assignment. Just some minor adjustments here and there and can be sent for printing. Oh which reminds me, I need to get a printer! Another item added to the ever elongating wishlist. Laptop, shoe, t-shirts amongst others.

Not really having the opportunity to be working now so need to be very saving a little every now and then.

Kicked start the revision for econs over the weekends for the assignment, now need to brush up on accounting. Assignment due next. Long time since I did assignments. FYP was probably the last one.

Oh well.. Just the perks of being a student!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


1 news came in today. Disappointed, but have to move on anyway. All that's left is just 1 more glimmer of hope, which I think will be decided by tomorrow. I hope it does, can't afford to sit around and wait any more.

Yesterday Dr Sanaul (the best Faci in RP), chatted with me on MSN. Asked what I was doing and told him about the Business Management program. He said it was good. Insisted I'm still interested in doing some science related program.

Then, he said he could recommend me to do a MBBS/MD degree. A MEDICAL DOCTOR Medicine degree!!

But here's the catch, it's in CHINA!!

How to survive there? Though it will be in English medium, but how can I effective communicate with the people there. How to ask for fried rice in the food stalls?

But it's affordable for a 5 years degree and better still recognized in Singapore. Medicine in Australia is too expensive. Haiz, guess have to give it a pass?

P.s. Need to get some Energy Supplements. Too lethargic lately.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So tired lately. Planned to nap for an hour but SLEPT for 3 hours instead. Hahaha. I forgot how school can be so mentally draining. And mental drain is much worse than physical fatigue.

When the brain is tired, the whole body does not function. Can't even get myself to go for a short jog just now. Even mom was aware when she asked "eh, not jogging tonight?"

Hopefully the nap will allow me to complete some assignments tonight.

I have officially lost hope in getting the letter. Going to do my best with what I have now. If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Haven't been sleeping well these few nights. Too much stress, too much worrying, too much pondering, too much thinking. All because I have not receive the news that I long for. It's starting to look bleak - very bleak.

Will I be contented with what I have? Will I be able to make it through the first round? Where is my silver lining now? Never wanted something so bad before, never prayed so hard for something before. Maybe it's too little too late.

Let me go through this period of uncertainties with ease.

I'm just looking forward for the weekends. Going to enjoy myself in Batam tomorrow and Karaoke on Sunday!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


No class for today and was SUPPOSED to be doing some econs. BUT, I still can't drag myself to open the damn file and start drawing the graphs. Why? BECAUSE I DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!

Probably because my mind in somewhere but deep in my heart that glimmer of hope still lingers.
Patience is virtue but I'm almost at my breaking point. Just wait for another month and I will fully concentrate on SIM.

Oh yah! I can't wait for JUNE! Will only reveal why IF everything is confirmed.

Till then.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Arithmophobia is also known as:
  • The fear of numbers
  • Number phobia
  • The fear of certain numbers
  • The fear of large numbers
  • The fear of numerals
  • The fear of numeric digits
  • The fear of mathematics / math
  • The fear of arithmetic
  • The fear of calculations
  • The fear of logic / logical calculus
That's what I have! Was doing accounting just now and even the basic of addition and subtraction made me broke into cold sweat. Maybe during exams I might even pass out - who knows.

On the other hand, I'm still hopefully waiting for 'that' letter to come. Why is it taking so long? No Hope?? Haiz...

Monday, April 12, 2010


OK~ so many things in the mind right now. Started classes again last week and I really needed the WD40 to lube my rusty brain.

Not too sure how much I can absorb within these couple of months, but I'll try my best. Been fine so far, trying hard to be studious - but FAILED! Wanting to do some reading every night but will be distracted with other petty stuff.

Anyways, I need to get a new PC/Laptop soon. The 5 year old Fujitsu is dying on me. Can't even do simple photo processing. Been contemplating between a good high end laptop or a desktop (iMac) coupled with a simple netbook/notebook for school. Hmmm~